Radiesse® is a soft tissue filler composed of unique biocompatible calcium microspheres suspended in a natural gel highly effective in restoring volume and reducing wrinkles of the aging face and body. These tiny microspheres form a structural "scaffold" in the soft tissue providing immediate results while also stimulating the growth of your own natural collagen. The results are natural and long-lasting. Radiesse® received FDA-approval for cosmetic use in 2006.
How is Radiesse® useful?
Radiesse® is a versatile injectable filler with the ability to soften wrinkles of the face or body, restore volume loss, or augment facial and body, if desired. Listed below are some examples of how Dr. Liu uses Radiesse®:
- Smile lines (Nasolabial folds)
- Marionette lines (Downward turn of the corner of the mouth)
- Glabellar lines (Frown lines)
- Deep facial wrinkles
Volume Restoration
Structural Contouring
- Nose
- Cheeks
- Chin
- Jowls
- Hands
- Ear lobe
Left: Moderate depth Smile Lines (Nasolabial Folds), Marionette Lines (Oral Commissure)
Right: Radiesse correcting smile and marionette lines. Chin crease was not treated |
*actual patient case of Dr. Liu©
Left: Lower Face With Significant Soft Tissue & Bone Structure Loss
Right: Radiesse was injected into supraperiostial, subcutaneous, and deep dermal layers to achieve lift, volume restoration, and wrinkle correction of the area |
*actual patient case of Dr. Liu©
Is Radiesse® safe?
Radiesse® is composed of biocompatible calcium microspheres in a natural, soft gel. Dr. Liu has used Radiesse® for soft tissue augmentation since 2003, approximately three years before Radiesse® received FDA-approval for cosmetic use. He has found Radiesse® to be very safe and effective.
How long does Radiesse® last?
Most patients can expect immediate and sustained results between 9 to 18 months.
What should I do before treatment?
Before treatment, you should discuss with Dr. Liu your medical history, including allergies and medicines. If you are taking blood thinners, ask your doctor if it’s safe to discontinue prior to Radiesse® treatment.
Does Radiesse® injection hurt?
Radiesse® injections are well tolerated. Various methods for comfort are available including gentle nerve blocks, topical numbing cream, cooling of the skin, and/or mixing of anesthetic solution with the filler.
What is the recovery time?
The majority of patients have minimal down time. Occasionally, a bruise may develop, which resolves in a few days. If you take a blood thinner medication, ask your doctor if it can be discontinued prior to Radiesse ® treatment, to minimize the risk of bruising. There may be some swelling noted after the procedure, which can be minimized with ice and rarely lasts more than a day.
Are there any side effects?
Side effects are uncommon and usually minor and temporary if seen. You may experience soreness or bruising at the injection site. Rarely, people experience lumpiness or irregularity in the treatment area. These typically resolve with gentle massage or observation.
What do I do after the treatment?
After care instructions will be provided by your treatment team.