Novathread (Novalyft)
Novathreads are a versatile, safe and effective smoothing/lifting procedure most commonly used to improve sagging jowls or heaviness of the lower face and neck. It is also useful in other areas of the body (chest, arms, knees for example) where sagging and drooping have developed and smoothness and lifting are desired.
Novathreads are dissolvable, biocompatible threads with a variety of versions including smooth surface for structure, twisted for volume, and ones with “catch arms” for lifting. The innovative delivery system is significantly effective, comfortable, and safe.

Photo above shows Novathread's smooth cannula tip allowing
gentle movement within soft tissue minimizing trauma.

Photo above shows Novathread delicate "catch arms"
significant lifting of soft tissue with painless placement.
Dr. Liu is a certified provider for all Novathread procedures and trains providers nationally through the P.A.L.E.T.T.E. Live Injection Training Programs for advanced techniques in aesthetic procedures .
What is Novathread and how does it work?
Novathread is composed of polydioxanone (PDO) which is a dissolvable surgical suture material often used in delicate procedures like eye or heart surgery. PDO has decades of use in these delicate surgeries where reaction to the material nearly never occurs and the duration of the material is consistently 4-6 months. Choosing PDO as the material allows for Novathread to safely and effectively integrate in the subcutaneous layer of the skin and creates a tissue response called “controlled healing” where it creates new collagen and microvasculature which results in new support and lifting structures of the treated area which last long after the temporary material is gently dissolved by the body. Although the material dissolves within 4-6 months, the results of the procedure frequently last 2-3 years.
Results and patient satisfaction with Novathreads has been overwhelmingly positive particularly in patients that have good volume in their face but are experiencing sag and heaviness around the mouth and jawline. Lasers and tightening procedures are not effective. Fillers used in these patients often make them look worse (overfilled, mounded, loss of V-shape)
Is the procedure painful?
Novathread procedures are very well tolerated. Most often a combination of local anesthetic and topical numbing ointment is used for comfort. Local nerve blocks are rarely used.
What is recovery like?
The most common type of recovery is no downtime (no bruising, no swelling, and no pain). If bruising, swelling, discomfort, or asymmetry develop, they are generally managed conservatively and are short lived. Placement of NovaThreads in the correct tissue plane results in none to very minor downtime.

*actual patient case of Dr. Liu©
Left Photo: 69 y.o. female significant sag along jaw line/chin. Does not want surgery.
Right Photo: Immediately after Novathread Lyft procedure demonstrating significant reduction of jowl/marionette lines.

*actual patient case of Dr. Liu©
Left Photo: 65 y.o. female had facelift from outside provider; jowl and marionette line did not proportionally improve. Failed skin tightening, lasers, and filler.
Right Photo: Immediately after Novathread Lyft procedure demonstrating significant reduction of jowl/marionette lines.

Left Photo: 48 y.o female with healthy volume and structure, but developing jowl and sagging lateral to the mouth. Tightening devices and lasers have not helped. She did not prefer the effects of filler because it added undesirable mass and bulk to her chin.
Right Photo: Immediately after Novathread Lyft procedure which created slimmer jaw/chin area and restored a youthful V-Shape to her face.
*Patient's lips are naturally full; untreated*

*actual patient case of Dr. Liu©
Left Photo: Showing flatter angle of her jawline before treatment due to sagging soft tissue.
Right Photo: Immediately after Novathread Lyft procedure, showing heightened angle of her jawline from vertical lift of soft tissue, resulting in a slimmer V-shaped facial shape.
*Patient's lips are naturally full. Untreated*